Race Classes
(updated 2025.1.19)
The Goal is to race like for like chassis, power train and battery type excluding the Open/Mod Class. This will ensure uniform static rules to solidify any shifts in technology and maintain our club racing format for seasons to come.
MMRC maintains a health and competitive local Hobby Class listing. Many of these classes have the highest attendance and closest racing. Most require a specific ESC and motor combo to participate. MMRC will have ESC/motors available if needed. Please check the rules prior to attending. Feel free to ask questions in the MMRC Slack channel as needed, we are a welcoming bunch.
MMRC is a member of the 28 Scale Racing Association (28SA) and offers a number of 28SA classes. Please see other 28SA tracks in the US!
I'm a beginner, where do I start?
We suggest BoxStock for all new drivers. If you are completely new to Mini-Z, then we suggest jumping into our "Getting Into Mini-Z Racing" guide with helpful links for items and tips as you start to race. Depending on skill, the Race Director/club might suggest running in a "novice" heat as you start to get comfortable being on the track with others. As you progress in skill we suggest Kyosho GT Masters, & 28SA Lipo Stock 10t classes.
I have moderate skills, where do I start?
We suggest the BoxStock and perhaps the Kyosho GT Masters for drivers that have experience with Kyosho based cars, and MMRC SPEC 2500kv HardBody or 28SA Lipo Stock 12t class for those with lipo based cars.
I have advanced skills, where do I start?
With advanced skill you are welcome in any class. You will find the most competitive drivers in MMRC SPEC 2500kv Lexan/HB as well as the 28SA Lipo Stock, and 28SA 3500GT. Kyosho GT Masters for those with experience with Kyosho based cars. For those with looking for the most speed, we offer a new 2500 PanCar class. For those with an interest in F1 or AWD, the club offers a F1-2500kv Spec and an AWD-3500 classes but check with members to determine if it's currently running.
Overview (class rules listed below)
Regional or National level / Core Classes
Box Stock - PN National and Kyosho International Class. The best class for beginners and we suggest reviewing MMRC's Getting Into Mini-Z Racing document
Lipo Stock (28SA) - A 2500kv, hardbody SPEC based class using 28 Scale Racing Association (28SA) rules.
10t - A class for LiPo cars roughly the same speed as a green Kyosho motor. Great for moderate/advanced skill level.
12t - A great mid speed class for those that favor a blend of moderate speed and precision driving.
NOTE: Depending on interest, this might run with SPEC 2500kv HardBody
3500 GT (28SA) - A 3500kv 10/53, lexan SPEC based class using 28 Scale Racing Association (28SA) rules. Often descried as a training class for Mod and Open level classes. Best for seasoned drivers looking for a high speed of racing.
Local/Hobby Classes (MMRC based classes - Only run when 3 make a class)
Kyosho GT Masters - Local Hobby Class, green Kyosho motor. Must qualify before being allowed to register for this class. See rules below for qualifications.
SPEC 2500kv Lexan - An ULTRA SPEC 2500kv fixed gear class with fixed spec ESC/motor for LiPo cars. Great for moderate to advanced skill level.
SPEC 2500kv HardBody - An ULTRA SPEC 2500kv fixed gear class with fixed spec ESC/motor for LiPo cars. Great for moderate to advanced skill level. NOTE: Depending on interest, this might run with Lipo Stock (28SA) 12t
NEW in 1/2025 2500 PanCar - A class adopted from the Iron City 2025 Scale Stock Wars event, this elevates the speed of our 2500 classes and offers a classic pan car feel from the 1/12 on road racing scene.
F1 2500kv - A 2500kv 10/53 fixed gear class with fixed spec ESC/motor for those that love open wheel, F1 cars.
AWD 3500 - Open geared, blinky AWD class designed for small to medium tracks. Great for drivers that love the challange of tuning and racing an AWD car.
Race Fees
Free for members | Non-members: $15/person per visit
Class Rules
(expand to view each class)
(expand to view each class)
Box Stock (local / hobby)
Chassis - Mini Z with any radio supporting the box stock receiver. 98mm wheelbase is highly recommended
Body - Hard body with lights and hard plastic windshield installed. Stock rear wing.
Motor/Pinion - White endbell motor with 6t pinion and stock spur gear
Bearing Set
Front Spring Set
Any Kyosho T plate
You may flip the king pins (highly encouraged actually)
Batteries - 4 cell NIMH
Tires – Any brand 8.5mm wide front, 11mm wide rear. Any rubber RCP use tire. No Foam. No Silicon.
Wheels – Any brand that fits standard Mini Z RWD
Note: Depending on skill, the Race Director/club might suggest running in a "novice" heat as you start to get comfortable being on the track with others.
If you are completely new to Mini-Z, then we suggest jumping into our "Getting Into Mini-Z Racing" guide with helpful links for items and tips as you start to race.
Kyosho GT Masters (local / hobby)
Kyosho GT Masters is designed as a class for skilled drivers wishing to race at a lower performance level. Even though the motor is slower the intention is to increase competition for any given race. Therefore racers who wish to race in this class must demonstrate driving skill through qualifiers. There are 3 ways to gain entrance to this class.
Ways to participate
Prequalify. Enter in Kyosho GT (Blue motor) and complete XX laps in a qualifier or main.
Race. Enter Kyosho GT Masters (Green motor) prior to Jan 21 2022 and complete XX laps in a qualifier or main.
Seeding race. These will take place prior to the first qualifier on a race night. You will be having a heads-up race with at least 3 cars on the track and must complete 26 laps. There will be no qualifying. There are no restrictions for a seed race, so 2 other previously qualified racers can run for the test.
Series qualifying
Instead of starting all over each race-day, results from the previous race are used to sort the qualifiers.
First week of competition will be random for the first qualifier with re-sorts for the remaining qualifiers and main. The final sort will determine the Mains. It will be possible to knock slower cars out of the higher main regardless of qualifying order.
Starting with the second week and continuing, we will use previous week’s finishing order for the first heat (qualifier). Heats are in reverse order so the last place car is in the first heat with the fastest in the last heat. New racers will be put in the first heat. The remaining heats and main will be sorted based on best heat. It will be possible to knock slower cars out of the higher main regardless of heat order.
Kyosho Mini-Z chassis
Kyosho Narrow or Wide front end
90-102mm wheelbase
Any radio
Open ICS settings
Brushless 4100kv (greeen) Kyosho only
No brushed equivalent
Gearing limit:
44/8 fixed gearing
KYOSHO gear or ball diff allowed
4xAAA NiMh batteries
AUTOSCALE PREFERRED/White body assembled with all pieces, windows installed. Body reinforcement and bumpers are permitted. Clearance issues may be addressed, front splitters may be rounded. Bodies have to be real world models, no jomerema like bodies.
Lexan rear wing is allowed. Wing height no more than 10mm
Any Mini-Z type wheels, plastic or aluminum
Rubber tire of any company, no silicone or foam
Performance option parts:
Fixed lower front arm as in box stock. No Double A arm allowed.
Any KYOSHO/R246 upgrade that will fit on a stock Kyosho chassis without modification to the chassis itself.
No drilling of extra holes.
PN chassis are designed to be directly retrofit to any Kyosho build and are NOT allowed.
Any R246/Kyosho rear pod or damper setups are allowed.
servo gears
kingpin flip
Weight Limit: 160g
Dimensions: WxLxH 82x200x70mm max
F1 2500kv (local / hobby)
Drivetrain: RWD
Body: GL Lexan body, kit rear wing, aftermarket front wings with rollers allowed
Chassis: GL GLF1, 114mm wheelbase
Electronics: Hobbywing Mini28, no boost, no turbo and blinking
Motor: HRC 2500KV Sensored motor
Gearing: 53/10
Battery: 8.4V charging limit on a 2S lipo battery
Wheels and Tires: GL wheels and the tires from GL and Marka designed to fit them
Lipo Stock (28SA)
Hardbody | 2500kv | Fixed gear
Please review this class rules on the Rocky Mtn 1/28th Scale Alliance rules website. You can also connect with other drivers at the Rocky Mtn 1/28th Scale Alliance Facebook Group.
NOTE: Depending on interest, this might run with SPEC 2500kv HardBody
SPEC 2500kv Hardbody (local / hobby)
1/28 rear 2WD solid axle, aka “live axle”
98mm max wheelbase
NHX RC Mini 28 Pro, Rocket RC Mini 28 Pro, Rocket RC Kiwami
NHX RC 2500kv Sensored
Battery: 2S Li-Po
53T fixed gearing. 12t pinion
NOTE: The pinion size will be determined prior to the beginning of the next series. Contact members in Slack for current configuration.
Any manufactured molded hard shell that fits the allowed wheelbase. All parts must be the original for that body. Limited wheel and ground clearance modifications are allowed. The body must weigh a minimum of 26 grams. Side clips if used, are considered part of the body. Lexan roofs, windows, and wings are allowed. Aftermarket plastic wings are allowed.
20mm max diameter, both front and rear
8.5mm max width front
11mm max width rear
Any production rubber Mini-Z tires
Weight: Min.Weight 160g
Should someone purchase a motor made on a Friday, missing a winding that is demonstrably faster than the rest of the field, we will take reasonable action to remedy the situation, to maintain fair competition and race pace.
NOTE: Depending on interest, this might run with Lipo Stock (28SA) 12t
SPEC 2500kv Lexan (local / hobby)
1/28 rear 2WD solid axle, aka “live axle”
98mm max wheelbase
NHX RC Mini 28 Pro, Rocket RC Mini 28 Pro, Rocket RC Kiwami
NHX RC 2500kv Sensored
Battery: 2S Li-Po
Gearing: 53T fixed gearing. The pinion size will be determined prior to the beginning of the next series. Contact members in Slack for current configuration.
Any lexan body, light or standard weight
NO PANCAR – aka “wedge” or “doorstop” bodies
20mm max diameter, both front and rear
8.5mm max width front
11mm max width rear
Any production rubber Mini-Z tires
Should someone purchase a motor made on a Friday, missing a winding that is demonstrably faster than the rest of the field, we will take reasonable action to remedy the situation, to maintain fair competition and race pace.
2500 Pan Car (local / hobby)
Open any RWD chassis ONLY, 94mm-102mm Wheel Base ONLY
2500kv Sensored
BLINKY ESC, Open Gearing, Sensored ESC (must use physical cable)
2S Li-Po battery Maximum Voltage 8.7V. Additional battery for transponder allowed. Option Parts: Open any parts allowed (including homemade parts, 3D print parts and prototype parts).
NO LMP Bodies, Must Be Pan Car Wedge Type Body. NO Additional Wings Higher the Sides of Body. (If car is upside down WING SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHING)
All brand Plastic and Aluminum rims are allowed. Maximum Front wheel width is 11mm. Maximum Rear wheel width is 14mm. Maximum wheel diameter is 20mm. All wheel rims must be original design made for Mini-Z RACER, any modification is not allowed, any slot-car design wheel and 3D print wheel not allowed.
Any Brand of Rubber Mini-Z production tire ONLY. Homemade tires, Foam tires, Silicon tires, Urethane tires, Ethyl Carbamate tires NOT allowed. No tire insert use. Traction compounds NOT allowed on tire or on race surface. Tire warmers are allowed. Tires may be cleaned with a 70% alcohol solution. If a driver uses tire cleaner that has been deemed illegal, the driver will be subject to any penalties that apply. Please address any questions concerning tire cleaners at the drivers meeting.
Minimum Weight:
No minimum weight limit.
AWD 3500 (local / hobby)
1/28 AWD chassis
98 & 102mm wheelbase
Possible options include: Kyosho MA010, MA015, MA020 and MA030, Atomic BZ and SZ, GL Racing GLA, GLA Giulia (with/without Reflex conversion), RTB
Open (Sensored wire required)
Must be in, and show blinky mode (no timing/boost)
3500kv motor (Maximum Kv 3800)
8.4V charging limit on a 2S lipo battery
Any lexan body, light or standard weight No Pancar (“wedge” or “doorstop” bodies) No hard bodies
20mm max diameter, both front and rear
Any production rubber Mini-Z tires No silicon, no foam
No minimum weight limit
3500 GT (28SA)
Lexan | 3500kv | Fixed gear
Please review this class rules on the Rocky Mtn 1/28th Scale Alliance rules website. You can also connect with other drivers at the Rocky Mtn 1/28th Scale Alliance Facebook Group.